Thursday, July 5, 2012

Growing Old In The Office

Note: This was posted last May 15. Reposting it here.

So I celebrated my birthday at work today. Can't help it, today is a Tuesday (mid week) and half of my team managed to book yesterday and today as their day off earlier this year. That meant that I couldn't leave my post. It also meant that I was mostly alone in the morning because the guys are out. At least I was able to concentrate on my own work load and managed to finish some stuff as well as handle everybody else's work. Stamp it with the sign that says "Productive!". I didn't plan anything today either because I know I'll be preoccupied with work and I wasn't sure if I will be able to leave early anyway. I did though. Good thing as well since I don't want to be stuck in traffic sitting in an uncomfortable chair on my way home on my birthday. I had dinner with my family. Then it as time to to relax and prepare for bed because it's another day at work tomorrow. No rest for the wicked. I was able to reply to all the greetings on my Facebook page as well as on Twitter. I like personal greetings as well as via phone call or text messages. I feel that they are more personal. Nevertheless, I'm still happy for my friends who took time to greet me. My birthday wish is... the one I wrote in my journal last night.

I had a fun conversation earlier.
friend: Ei Happy birthday!
me: Thank you! Can I ask for a birthday gift?
friend: What do you want? (Subject for approval)
me: I want a lot of stuff. I'm sure none will be approved.
friend: "a lot of stuff"? I'm not your mom! hahaha
me: hahaha. You asked!
friend: yeah but it's for approval.
me: no way out eh? hehe
friend: you can try.
me: it's a trap.
friend: LOL


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